All posts by mike

Otters living in a Suffolk winter

Otter cub out on log rive edge. January Suffolk. Lutra lutra

Otters winter on the Little Ouse

Kingfisher with fish and rose hips in dawn light. September Suffolk. Alcedo atthis

Kingfishers Suffolk summer

Kingfisher take off with small fish in the sun. June Suffolk. Alcedo atthis

Kingfishers early summer

Brown hare running close eyes look on field margin at sunset. July Suffolk. Lepus europaeus

Sunset Hares dry summer

Otter male looking from weedy river early morning. May Suffolk. Lutra lutra

Otter Suffolk spring

Brown hare leaping midsummer dawn. June Suffolk. Lepus europaeus

Brown hares Suffolk spring early summer

Otter pair play on bank in morning sun. April Suffolk. Lutra lutra

Otters on the Little ouse

Otter looking forward alert in tree hole. April Norfolk. Lutra lutra

Otter mother and cub, Norfolk spring

Barn owl Hunting in a Suffolk meadow December morning. Tyto alba

Barn owls living through a Suffolk winter